Infant Toddler Services of Kansas
serving Pottawatomie & Wabaunsee Counties
We work with many area community partners for referrals as well as collaboration for services and resources. Examples include....
Primary Care Physicians
Medical Specialists and Hospitals
KU CCHD Telemed for Autism Spectrum Diagnosis
School Districts (preschool transition)
Kansas Special Health Care Needs
Kansas School for the Deaf (Sound Start)
Erin Schuweiler
Birth-Three Coordinator
(913) 210-8149
Early Head Start & Head Start (NEK-CAP)
Pottawatomie County Head Start/Outreach
901 Commercial
Havensville, KS 66432
Phone: (785) 948-2023 , Fax: (785) 948-2046
Winter Berklund
(785) 617-0092
Parents as Teachers- Rock Creek (St. George and Westmoreland)
Dannielle Heideman
Pottawatomie County Health Department
Wabaunsee County Health Department
Janet Wertzberger
215 Kansas, Alma, KS 66401